Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Alamance Community College engages in a process of continuous improvement that includes
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment, Administrative Services & Student Support Outcomes
Assessment, General Education Outcomes Assessment, Curriculum and Continuing Education
Program Reviews, and a college-wide Strategic Plan.
ACC Forward, the 2022-2027 Strategic Plan, is organized around four strategic priorities:
- Engage: ACC will engage with Alamance County communities in new and innovative ways that deepen existing partnerships and create new ones.
- Learn: ACC will involve all students in innovative and inclusive formal and informal learning experiences that improve student success, prepare students for jobs, and provide a strong foundation for continued learning.
- Equip: ACC will equip faculty and staff with resources and experiences that enhance their engagement, sharpen their skills, and enable them to provide exceptional teaching and service.
- Grow: ACC will ensure that students, faculty, and staff have access to the resources they need to grow as healthy individuals.
In November 2021, Alamance Community College began work on a new three-year plan when the Strategic Planning Committee launched a process to review ACC’s mission, vision, and values and identify institutional priorities. The Committee included faculty and staff representatives from all divisions of the College, a business representative, a student representative and a representative from the Board of Trustees.
The Committee's Work Progressed in Phases:
- Development of the 2022-2027 Strategic Planning Guidebook
- Reviewing the College’s Vision, Mission, and Values
- Analyzing environmental scans and other county and regional demographics and trends
- Studying key performance indicators
- Gathering and analyzing input through focus groups and surveys involving internal and external stakeholders
- Identifying themes and developing objectives based on the review of data and extensive input from stakeholders
- Gathering employee feedback on potential themes and objectives
- Identifying metrics to assess progress and effectiveness of the plan
- Presenting the plan to the Board of Trustees for approval
Each priority has an implementation team charged with driving the strategic plan forward. They will work with the appropriate stakeholders to create action plans to help ACC achieve each of the priorities. Specifically, these teams will research activities and ideas, serve as conveners, participate in implementation activities, track progress and performance, and report to College stakeholders.
TEAM ENGAGELead by: Miasha Torain Department Head Jen Mock Director |
TEAM LEARNLead by: Chris Swinton Instructor Ashley Pryer Coordinator |
TEAM EQUIPLead by: Zak Mathews Instructor Sara Thynne Director |
TEAM GROWLead by: Jenny Brownell Director
Throughout the 2021-22 academic year, ACC sought broad based input from internal and external stakeholders to help us chart ACC’s course through 2027. A Strategic Planning Committee was formed to perform the following tasks:
- Review ACC’s vision, mission, and values
- Review the college’s key performance indicators and other data
- Create and share a strategic planning guidebook
- Identify stakeholders and plan focus groups
- Lead and participate in focus groups
- Develop surveys
- Meet with departments and groups on campus, as requested
- Answer questions about the process
- Analyze feedback, focus group and survey results, and other input
- Create themes
- Create goals for each theme
- Identify strategies for achieving those goals
- Seek feedback on the draft plan, refine the plan
- Present the plan to the college community