Public Safety
Students, Faculty, and Staff are required to have ACC parking decals/hang-tag displayed on all vehicles being parked on campus.
Student Parking Registration & ID Request
REGISTRATION FORMEmployee ID and Parking Pass
The parking decals are to be placed on the left (driver’s side) rear bumper of vehicles. The hang-tags are to be hung from the rear view mirror, forward facing (the number toward the windshield) to help ensure your safety and assist Public Safety in the event your vehicle becomes damaged while on campus.
Students are permitted to park in Lots C-2, D, E, F, H, I, J, K and L. Signs are posted and parking spaces are lined with white paint. Faculty/staff parking is designated in Lots B, C-1, and H-1. Signs are posted and parking spaces are lined with yellow paint. Lot A, closest to the main entrance, is designated for disabled parking and 5 minute drop-off only. Visitor parking is designated in Lot B on either end and south end of Lot H. However, visitors are allowed in student parking if necessary.
Registered students are not considered as visitors at any time.
Students using alternate vehicles that are not registered with the College are to park in the student parking area and not in visitor areas at any time. Maps are available at the information desk in the main lobby and in front of the Public Safety Office in the same location. Parking is prohibited in any area marked with yellow or red paint and all other areas marked “NO PARKING”, SHIPPING/RECEIVING, and FIRE LANE (all red or yellow curbs).
All traffic signs and regulations on ACC property are to be obeyed at all times.
The posted speed limit in all ACC parking lots is 10 mph, anything in excess to this is considered reckless, and could endanger the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
These regulations are strictly enforced, and parking fines are distributed to those in violation. Towing may also be utilized to enforce regulations. It is imperative that all students, faculty, and staff work together to keep our campus safe and secure.

Questions? Contact Us.
James Armstrong
Director of Public Safety
Main 378
Public Safety Front Desk
Public Safety Officer