Campus Directory
Name | Title | Department | Phone |
Peralta, Abigail | Assistant, Admissions Office | Student Services | 336-506-4405 |
Simoneau, Dr. Abigail | Instructor, Music | Humanities and Fine Arts | 336-506-4206 |
Flores, Abigail | Admissions Office Assistant | Student Services | 336-506-4405 |
Herring, Abria | Advisor, University Transfer | Student Services | 336-506-4297 |
Bridges, Dr. Adam | Instructor, Chemistry | Natural Sciences | 336-506-4170 |
Fraser, BSN, RN, Aleksey | Assistant, Nursing Lab | Nursing | 336-506-4104 |
Braswell, Amanda | Outreach Recruiter | Student Services | 336-506-4354 |
Ray, Amber | Lead Instructor at UNC Cohort, Dental Assisting | Dental Assisting | 336-532-5046 |
Hooker, Amy | Office Assistant | Registrar | 336-506-4124 |
Fleeman, Ana | Executive Assistant | President's Office | 336-506-4100 |
Degette, Andrea | Instructor, Advertising & Graphic Design | Advertising & Graphic Design | 919-245-400 |
Edwards, Andrea | Foundation Accounting Specialist | Institutional Advancement | 336-506-4249 |
Davis, Angela | Lead Success Coach | PACE Success Coaching | 336-506-4395 |
Snell, Ann | Instructor, Business Administration | Accounting & Business Administration | 336-506-4215 |
Lewis, Ashley | Lead Instructor, Computer-Aided Drafting | Computer-Aided Drafting | 336-506-4352 |
Pryer, Ashley | Coordinator, Admissions & Recruitment | Student Services | 336-506-4361 |
Williams, Aubree | Success Coach | PACE Success Coaching | (336) 532-5027 |
Thornton, Barbara | Controller | Business & Finance | 336-506-4010 |
Young, Barbara | Executive Administrative Assistant | Institutional Advancement | 336-506-4416 |
Barham, Sarah | Web Designer | Public Information & Marketing | 336-506-6150 |
Torres, Baron | First-Year Mentor & Outreach Recruiter | Student Services | 336-506-4418 |
Yancy, Bennett | Instructor, High School Equivalency, College & Career Readiness | Workforce & Economic Development | |
Akukwe, Bettina | Associate Vice President | Corporate Education | 336-506-4207 |
Davis, Bob | Instructor, Mathematics | Mathematics, Engineering & Physical Sciences | 336-506-4160 |
Matthews, MLS(ASCP)cm, Bobbi | Instructor | Medical Laboratory Technology | 336-506-4197 |
Ray, Brad | Audio/Video Tech | Learning Resources Center | 336-506-4265 |
Williamson, Brandon | Youth Programming Coordinator | Workforce and Economic Development | 336-506-4494 |
Arnold, Brian | System/Server Administrator | Information Services | 336-506-4195 |
Barringer, Brian | Veterans Services Coordinator | Student Services | 336-506-4398 |
Ward, Brian | Instructor, Information Technology | Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence | 336-506-4031 |
Fox, Caleb | Lead Instructor, Horticulture | Agricultural Sciences | 336-506-4192 |
Williams, Carley | Admissions Office Assistant | Student Services | 336-506-4108 |
Aponte, Carlos | Financial Aid Specialist / Scholarships | Student Services | 336-506-4256 |
Disque, Dr. Carol | Vice President | Student Services | 336-506-4138 |
Rhode, Carolyn | Vice President, Institutional Advancement | President's Office | 336-506-4128 |
Russell, Carrie | Career Pathway and Transition Coordinator | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4377 |
White, Cassie | Instructor, Esthetics & Cosmetology | Cosmetology | 336-506-4493 |
Bowen, Catherine | Instructor, Communication | English and Communication | 336-506-4022 |
Moore, Catherine | Instructor, Horticulture | Agricultural Sciences | |
Godt, Chad | Lead Instructor, Art | Humanities and Fine Arts | 336-506-4338 |
Elliott, Cheryl | Instructor, Nursing | Nursing | 336-506-4027 |
Murphy, Chris | Instructor, Mathematics | Mathematics, Engineering & Physical Sciences | 336-532-5056 |
Remington, Christopher | Instructor, Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology | Skilled Trades | 336-506-4191 |
Swinton, Christopher | Department Head | Accounting, Business Administration | 336-506-4223 |
Verdeck, Christopher | Director, Public Services Training | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4034 |
Vestal, Dr. Claudia | Department Head, Humanities & Fine Arts | Business, Art & Sciences | 336-506-4298 |
Byrd, Cody | Lab Manager | Horticulture | |
Wolfe, Dr. Constance | Executive Vice President, Student & Employee Experience | President's Office | 336-506-4154 |
Worth, Dr. Cynthia | Advisor, Career & College Promise Professional | Office of Student Learning | 336-532-5054 |
Jones, Daniel | Instructor, Automotive Systems Technology | Skilled Trades | 336-506-5034 |
Faulkner, Daniel | Audio / Video Tech | Learning Resources Center | 336-532-5045 |
Quatrone, Daniel | Lead Instructor, Computer-Integrated Machining Technology | Applied Engineering, Computer-Integrated Machining & Mechatronics | 336-506-4028 |
Sigmon, Daniel | Instructor, Biology | Natural Sciences | 336-506-4204 |
Rader, Darian | Events Coordinator | Public Information and Marketing | 336-532-5036 |
Listopad, Darlene | Department Head, Nursing | Health & Public Services | 336-506-4180 |
Hadley, Darsell | Administrative Assistant, Wellness & Student Support | Student Services | 336-506-4362 |
Battigelli, Dr. David | Instructor, Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 336-532-5052 |
Farnham, David | Network Administrator | Information Services | 336-532-5048 |
Horgan, Dr. David | Lead Instructor, Work-Based Learning & Instructor, Information Technology | Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence | 336-506-4229 |
Martin, Dawn | Advisor, University Transfer | Student Services | 336-506-4019 |
Ivey, Deana | Instructor, Cosmetology | Cosmetology | |
Covington, Demi | Program Accountability Specialist | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4219 |
Lloyd-Forbes, Denise | Coordinator, Academic Support Center | Learning Resources Center | 336-532-5055 |
Pruitt, Donna | Instructor, Dental Assisting | Dental Assisting | 336-506-4403 |
Miller, Dorena | Associate Librarian | Learning Resources Center | 336-506-4132 |
Craig, Dylan | PC Support Specialist | Information Services | 336-506-5049 |
van Hunnik, Dr. Eddy | Instructor, Biology | Natural Sciences | 336-506-4355 |
Brehler, Elizabeth | Associate Vice President | Student Services | 336-506-4120 |
Sutton, Elizabeth | Advisor, Career & College Promise | Office of Student Learning | 336-532-5000 |
Thomas, Elizabeth | Vice President, Business & Finance / CFO | President's Office | 336-506-4410 |
Williams, Elizabeth | Instructor, Communication | English and Communication | 336-506-4272 |
Lewis, Erica | Executive Administrative Assistant, EVP of Student & Employee Experience | Executive Vice President's Office | 336-506-4101 |
Perel, Erik | Department Head, Advertising & Graphic Design | Applied Engineering, Agriculture & Skilled Trades | 336-506-4025 |
Vallejos, Fabrizio | Executive Administrative Assistant, VP of Student Learning / CAO | Office of Student Learning | 336-506-4113 |
Lin, Federico | Education Coordinator & Lead Instructor, Histotechnology | Medical Lab Technology & Histotechnology | 336-506-4348 |
Keith, Fred | Grants Coordinator | Business & Finance | 336-506-4013 |
Logan, Gale | Administrative Assistant | Public Safety | 336-506-4260 |
Umberger, Gilbert | Coordinator, Student Life & Engagement | Student Services | 336-506-4339 |
Bader, Gina | Director, Secondary Education Partnerships | Student Learning | 336-506-4237 |
Yount, Glenda | Instructor, English | English, Communication & Humanities | 336-506-4023 |
Shahin-Johns, Dr. Haifa | Lead Instructor, Chemistry | Natural Sciences | 336-506-4350 |
Fox, Haley | Executive Administrative Assistant | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4200 |
Hardin, Sarah | Associate Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs | Communications and Public Affairs | 336-506-4178 |
Crabtree, Heather | Senior Administrative Assistant | Corporate Education | 336-506-4151 |
Laws, Heather | Department Head, Cosmetology | Health & Public Services | 336-506-4393 |
Cook, Hilary | Instructor, Cosmetology | Cosmetology | 336-506-4391 |
MacKlin, Ian | Instructor, Culinary | Culinary Arts | 336-506-4129 |
Johnston, Ingrid | Instructor, English | English, Communication & Humanities | 336-506-4235 |
Obi, Dr. Izy | Pathway Navigator, Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 336-506-4293 |
Yeatts, Jaclyn | Instructor, Nursing | Nursing | 336-506-4194 |
Isaac, Jaime | Administrative Support Specialist | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4383 |
Adkins, James | Department Head, Computer-Aided Drafting | Applied Engineering, Agriculture & Skilled Trades | 336-506-4233 |
Armstrong, James | Director | Public Safety | 336-506-4202 |
McCormick, James "Mac" | Lead Instructor, Mechatronics Engineering Technology | Applied Engineering, Computer-Integrated Machining & Mechatronics | 336-506-4106 |
Beck, Jamie | Finance Senior Specialist, Payroll | Business & Finance | 336-506-4189 |
Mongillo-Hooker, Jamie | Interim Department Head, Medical Laboratory Technology & Histotechnology | Medical Laboratory Technology & Histotechnology | 336-506-4196 |
Vass, Jan | Administrative Assistant | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4316 |
Byrd, Janet | Instructor, Nurse Aide | Health & Public Services | 336-506-4357 |
Pulley, Jason | Instructor, Biology | Natural Sciences | 336-506-4157 |
Brownell, Jennifer | Director, Wellness & Student Support | Student Services | 336-506-4146 |
Hamilton, Jennifer | Administrative Assistant, Career & College Promise | Office of Student Learning | 336-506-4231 |
Jones, Jennifer | Director, Distance Learning | Executive Vice President's Office | 336-506-4115 |
Mock, Jennifer | Director, College & Career Readiness | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4375 |
Rudd, Jennifer | Lab Coordinator & Chemical Hygiene Officer | Natural Sciences | 336-506-4032 |
Smith, Jennifer | Reference Librarian | Learning Resources Center | 336-506-4186 |
Verroi, Jeremy | Operations Coordinator | Administrative Services & Facilities | 336-506-4290 |
Hackney, Jerry | Department Head, Agricultural Sciences | Applied Engineering, Agriculture & Skilled Trades | 336-506-4385 |
Abell, Jessica | Instructor, English | English, Communication & Humanities | 336-506-4268 |
Burgess, Jimmie | TRIO Student Support Services Success Coach | Student Services | 336-290-0501 |
Roberts, Joanna | Department Head, Dental Assisting | Health & Public Services | 336-506-4153 |
Goldean, John | Lead Instructor, Emergency Medical Science | Emergency Medical Science | 336-290-0513 | EXT 4850 |
Neathery, John | Instructor, Sociology | Social & Behavioral Sciences, Health & Physical Education | 336-506-4242 |
Rich, John | Non-sworn Officer | Public Safety | 336-506-4037 |
Weddle, Johnny | AWESM Implementer, Workforce Program Support | Corporate Education | 336-506-4333 |
Lewis, John "Garrett" | Fire Rescue Training Coordinator | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4300 ext. 4303 |
Upchurch, Jonathan | Instructor, Advertising & Graphic Design | Advertising & Graphic Design | 336-570-6161 |
Crawford, Jordan | EMS Specialty Coordinator | Health & Public Services | 336-290-0515__Ext.4854 |
Jones, Josefvon | Director, Belonging | Executive Vice President's Office | 336-506-4289 |
Robertson, Joseph | Instructor, Advertising & Graphic Design | Advertising & Graphic Design | 919-563-5991 |
Wiggs, Julia | Administrative Assistant & Clinical Coordinator | Nursing | 336-506-4244 |
Wright, Julia | Instructional Support Technologist, Distance Learning | Executive Vice President's Office | 336-506-4114 |
Moore, Julie | Instructor, Advertising & Graphic Design | Advertising & Graphic Design | 336-570-6161 |
Fowler, Justin | Instructor, Advertising & Graphic Design | Advertising & Graphic Design | 336-506-4173 |
Pedley, Justin | Department Head, Veterinary Medical Technology | Applied Engineering, Agriculture & Skilled Trades | 336-506-4185 |
Snyder, Justin | Vice President, Workforce & Economic Development | President's Office | 336-506-4152 |
Ragsdale, Keisha | Director, Financial Aid | Student Services | 336-506-4172 |
Graves, Dr. Keith | Instructor, Business Administration | Accounting, Business Administration & Information Technology | 336-506-4347 |
Chappell, Kelly | Advisor, Career & College Promise | Office of Student Learning | 336-506-4367 |
Martin, Kelly | Senior Administrative Assistant | Office of Student Learning (Deans' Suite) | 336-506-4125 |
Ingle, Dr. Ken | President, Alamance Community College | President's Office | 336-506-4150 |
Sargent, Kevin | Instructor, Communication | English and Communication | 336-506-4335 |
Jeffries, Kimberly | Emergency Medical Services Coordinator, Continuing Education | Emergency Medical Science | 336-290-0513 | EXT 4851 |
Johnson, Kimberly | Financial Aid Specialist, Scholarships | Student Services | 336-506-4105 |
Mahaffey, BSN, RN, Kimberly | Instructor, Practical Nursing | Nursing | 336-290-0145 |
Garrison, Kirsten | Coordinator, Accessibility Services | Student Services | (336) 506-4130 |
Yao, Kouassi | Instructor, Spanish | Humanities and Fine Arts | 336-506-4330 |
Sutherland, Kristen | Coordinator, Single Stop | Student Services | 336-506-4039 |
Hussey, Kristi | Clinical Coordinator & Lab Instructor, Dental Assisting | Dental Assisting | 336-506-4121 |
Allen, Lakeisha | Finance Senior Specialist, Accounts Payable | Business & Finance | 336-506-4249 |
Gaines, Laura | Instructor, Information Technology | Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence | 336-506-4346 |
Manigrasso, Laura | Advisor, Access to Achievement | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4015 |
Farrell, Laurie | Finance Senior Specialist, Accounts Receivable | Business & Finance | 336-506-4119 |
Mason, Linda | Administrative Assistant | Administrative Services & Facilities | 336-506-4169 |
Smith, Linda | Administrative Assistant | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4149 |
Huffman, Lisa | Administrative Assistant, Cosmetology | Cosmetology | 336-506-4018 |
Johnson, Dr. Lisa | Vice President, Student Learning / Chief Academic Officer | President's Office | 336-506-4139 |
Lloyd, Lisa | Administrative Assistant | Emergency Medical Science | 336-290-0514__Ext. 4852 |
Sarmiento Espinosa, Lorena | Chief High School Equivalency Examiner & Assistant Transition Coordinator, College & Career Readiness | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4131 |
Guthrie, Luke | Instructor, Welding Technology | Skilled Trades | 336-290-0541 |
Johnson, Maia | Department Head, Emergency Medical Sciences | Health & Public Services | 336-290-0516__Ext.4852 |
Thompson, Marcella | Specialist, Recruitment | Human Resources | 336-506-4601 |
Malone, Marcelle | Lead PC Support Specialist / Enterprise Applications Administrator | Information Services | 336-506-4007 |
Boswell, Margaret | Curator, Scott Family Collection | Learning Resources Center | 336-506-4203 |
Redding, Maria | Financial Aid Specialist / Work Study & Outreach | Student Services | 336 506-4411 |
Conlon, Mariel | Department Head, Mathematics, Engineering & Physical Sciences | Business, Art & Sciences | 336-506-4332 |
Moser, Marsha | Instructor, Dental Assisting | Dental Assisting | 336-506-4162 |
Brown, Mary | Advisor, Health Programs | Student Services | 336-506-4246 |
Cook, Mary | Instructor, Psychology | Social & Behavioral Sciences, Health & Physical Education | 336-506-4228 |
McDonald, Mary | Print Center Clerk | Public Information & Marketing | |
Morgan, Mary | Department Head, Natural Sciences | Business, Arts & Sciences | 336-506-4275 |
Oney, Mary | Advisor, Career & College Promise | Office of Student Learning | |
Lewallen, Mary | Instructor, Welding Technology | Skilled Trades | 336-290-0541 |
Gordon, Matt | Instructor, Advertising & Graphic Design | Advertising & Graphic Design | 336-506-4024 |
Tackitt, MSN, RN, Matthew | Instructor, Nursing | Nursing | 336-506-4254 |
Davis, Mattie | Registrar's Office Assistant | Student Services | 336-506-4137 |
McCusker, Debra | Department Head, Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence | Business, Arts & Sciences | 336-506-4261 |
McDonald, Lindsey | Graphic Designer | Public Information & Marketing | 336-506-4171 |
Vallejos, Meagan | Lab Operations/Project Manager and Build Back Better (BBB) Project Liaison | Biotechnology | 336-506-4284 |
Lewis, Dr. Melanie | Dean, Health & Public Services | Office of Student Learning | 336-506-4135 |
Aguirre, Melba | LEIS & Testing Specialist, College & Career Readiness | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4382 |
Holland, Melinda | Instructor, Biology | Natural Sciences | 336-506-4259 |
Cook, Melissa | Department Head, Education | Business, Arts & Sciences | 336-506-4118 |
Torain, Miasha | Department Head, Medical Assisting, Medical Office & Healthcare Management Technology | Health & Public Services | 336-506-4213 |
Anders, Michael | Lead Instructor, Industrial Systems Technology | Applied Engineering, Computer-Integrated Machining & Mechatronics | 336-532-5035 |
Covington, Michael | Instructor, Welding Technology | Skilled Trades | 336-290-0540 |
Perry, Michael | Instructor, Welding Technology | Skilled Trades | |
Williams, Michael | Instructor, Criminal Justice | Criminal Justice & Fire Protection Technology | 336-506-4144 |
Holt, Michael | Lead Instructor, Welding Technology | Skilled Trades | 336-506-4183 |
Page, Michelle | Senior Specialist, Benefits | Human Resources | 336-506-4245 |
Perry, Michelle | Instructor, Mathematics | Mathematics, Engineering & Physical Sciences | 336-506-4400 |
Sabaoun, Michelle | Department Head, Biotechnology | Health & Public Services | 336-506-4224 |
Graves, Mindy | Instructor, Healthcare Management Technology, Medical Office & Office Administration | Medical Assisting, Medical Office & Healthcare Management Technology | 336-506-4014 |
Kotarba, Miranda | Instructor, Welding Technology | Skilled Trades | 336-290-0542 |
Crawford, Mitchell | Instructor, Automotive Systems Technology | Skilled Trades | 336-506-4271 |
Honeycutt, Dr. Nancy | Lead Instructor, Psychology | Social & Behavioral Sciences, Health & Physical Education | 336-506-4282 |
Smith, Nathan | Department Head, Skilled Trades | Applied Engineering, Agriculture & Skilled Trades | 336-532-5043 |
Boudreau, Nicholas | Coordinator, Career Education | Executive Vice President's Office | 336-532-5059 |
Garrett, Nicholas | Coordinator, Occupational Programs | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4301 |
Goble, Nicholas | Instructor, Advertising & Graphic Design | Advertising & Graphic Design | 336-506-4024 |
Dunlap, Nick | Instructor / Clinical Coordinator | Emergency Medical Science | 336-290-0517 |
Kimrey, Nicki | Instructor, Mathematics | Mathematics, Engineering & Physical Sciences | 336-506-4184 |
Rone, Nicole | Senior Specialist, Hiring & Onboarding | Human Resources | 336-506-4273 |
Davis, Paige "Amanda" | Instructor, Medical Assisting | Medical Assisting, Medical Office & Healthcare Management Technology | 336-506-4257 |
Watson, Pamela | Instructor, Medical Assisting | Medical Assisting, Medical Office & Healthcare Management Technology | 336-506-4218 |
Alghali, Dr. Patricia | TRIO Student Support Services Advisor/Wellness Counselor | Student Services | 336-290-0502 |
Burnette, Patrick | PC Support Specialist | Information Services | 336-506-4011 |
Lassi, Paula | Assistant Registrar | Student Services | 336-506-4126 |
Miller, Penny | Registrar | Student Services | 336-506-4408 |
Oliver, Penny | Financial Aid Assistant | Student Services | 336-506-4419 |
Hardison, Perry | Lead Instructor, Humanities | Humanities and Fine Arts | 336-506-4404 |
Lewis, Phydesia | Director, Small Business Center | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4312 |
Upadhyaya, Dr. Ram | Instructor, Nursing & Lead Instructor, Practical Nursing | Nursing | 336-290-0147 |
Fecher, Rebecca | Instructor, History | Social & Behavioral Sciences, Health & Physical Education | 336-506-4225 |
Pierce, Rhonda | Department Head, Nurse Aide | Health & Public Services | 336-506-4253 |
Moriarty, Richard | Instructor, English | English and Communication | 336-506-4394 |
Barber, Rodney | Lead Instructor, Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration | Skilled Trades | 336-506-4165 |
Reece, Rodney | Dean, Applied Engineering, Agriculture & Skilled Trades | Office of Student Learning | 336-506-4279 |
Lane, Dr. Roger | Lead Instructor, Music | Humanities and Fine Arts | 336-506-4325 |
Roberts, Roland | Department Head, Applied Engineering, Computer-Integrated Machining & Mechatronics | Applied Engineering, Computer-Integrated Machining & Mechatronics | 336-506-4291 |
Webster, Rose | Director | Research & Institutional Effectiveness | 336-506-4343 |
Holloway, Ryan | Success Coach | PACE Success Coaching | 336-532-5039 |
Brown, Ryland | Instructor, Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology | Skilled Trades | 336-506-4191 |
Marcellus, Dr. Samantheo | Director of University Transfer Advising | Student Services | 336-506-4163 |
Andrews, Samuel | Quality Control Coordinator/Basic Law Enforcement Training | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4324 |
Heckler, Sara | Department Head, English & Communications | Business, Arts & Sciences | 336-506-4112 |
Thynne, Sara | Director | Learning Resources Center | 336-506-4208 |
Bergmann, Sarah | Instructor, Mathematics | Mathematics, Engineering & Physical Sciences | 336-506-4107 |
Sebastian-Bautista, Selena | Financial Aid Specialist, Verification | Student Services | 336-506-4109 |
Doe, Shanina | Instructor, Early Childhood | Education | 336-506-4021 |
Newlin, Shannon | ERP / Server Administrator | Information Services | 336-506-4406 |
Guy, Shawn | Director, TRIO Student Support Services | Student Services | 336-290-0500 |
Rogers, Shekitha | Assistant Director, Financial Aid | Student Services | 336-506-4248 |
Ewing, Shelley | Advisor, Senior Health Programs | Student Services | 336-506-4009 |
Singer, Sherri | Department Head, Social & Behavioral Sciences, Health & Physical Education | Business, Arts & Sciences | 336-506-4396 |
Smith, MA, BA, BSN, RN, Shylon | Instructor, Nursing | Nursing | 336-506-4127 |
McCook, Sonya | Dean, Business, Arts & Sciences | Office of Student Learning | 336-506-4278 |
Martin, Stacy | Instructor, English Language Acquisition, College & Career Readiness | Workforce & Economic Development | |
Waters, Stephanie | Finance Coordinator | Business & Finance | 336-506-4175 |
Turner, Susan | Advisor, Health Programs | Student Services | 336-506-4266 |
Fisher, Tabithe | Instructor, Nursing | Nursing | 336-506-4359 |
Qazi, Talat | Senior Financial Aid Specialist | Student Services | 336-506-4161 |
Fullerwinder, Tamatha | Coordinator, ABE & HS Equivalence | Workforce Development | 336-506-4308 |
Saul, Tammy | Advisor, Health Programs | Student Services | 336-506-4143 |
Weber, Tess | Accounting Manager | Business & Finance | 336-506-4243 |
Hartman, Thomas | Associate Vice President | Administrative Services & Facilities | 336-506-4201 |
Wanless, Todd | Department Head, Culinary Arts | Applied Engineering, Agriculture & Skilled Trades | 336-506-4129 |
Gudac, Tonya | Instructor, Animal Care & Management | Agricultural Sciences | 336-506-4401 |
Holt, Traci | Department Head, Criminal Justice Technology & Fire Protection Technology | Health & Public Services | 336-506-4344 |
Harvey, Dr. Tyler | Assessment, Data & Transition Coordinator, & Transitions Studies, College & Career Readiness | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4036 |
Lewis, Tyshea | Coordinator, Corporate Education | Corporate Education | 336-506-4331 |
Fearrington, Valerie | Director | Human Resources | 336-506-4133 |
Partain, Vicki | Instructor, ACC/UNC Cohort Dental Assisting | Dental Assisting | 336-290-0148 |
Rans, Victoria | Coordinator, Personal Enrichment | Workforce & Economic Development | 336-506-4322 |
Pedroza, Yholima Vargas | Coordinator, English Language Acquisition | Workforce & Economic Development | |
Young, Jonathan | Staff Writer | Public Information & Marketing | 336-506-4122 |
Mathews, Zachary | Instructor, Mathematics | Mathematics, Engineering & Physical Sciences | 336-506-4016 |
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