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  • Because an earthquake generally occurs without warning, ensure that your  work  environment  earthquake  safe  (e.g.,  do  not  place heavy objects above where you sit or work).
  • Remain familiar with evacuation routes and alternate evacuation routes in buildings you use frequently. Be aware that emergency lights may be out or your vision may be obscured by heavy smoke or dust.
  • If you can safely evacuate the building, direct occupants to move quickly away from buildings, utility poles and other structures. Find a clear spot and drop to the ground. Avoid downed power or utility lines.
  • If you cannot get out of the building in time, direct occupants to drop, cover and hold. Drop under a study desk or table; cover your eyes by pressing your face against your arm, and hold on.
  • If a table or desk is not nearby, instruct occupants to sit on the floor against an interior wall or in an interior doorway. Have occupants move away from windows, shelves, filing cabinets, bookcases, light fixtures and heavy objects that could fall, tip over, or shatter.
  • Be prepared for aftershocks and call 336-5064286 or 336-260-9203 if help is needed.


  • Notify Campus Public Safety at 336-506-4286 or 336-260-9203,  or via a campus emergency call phone/box.
  • Relocate to an upper floor and await instruction from Campus Public Safety
  • Assist people with functional impairments who may need assistance
  • If time allows, move records and equipment up off the floor onto shelves and tables to prevent damage from minor flooding
  • If the building is evacuated, do not return to the building until notified to do so by Campus Public Safety
  • When leaving campus, do NOT drive through flooded areas. Turn around, Do Not Drown. Use an alternate route