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CYBER CENTER SealAlamance Community College is committed to excellence in cybersecurity education and awareness. We have a college goal to evangelize cybersecurity across the institution and in the community. This center will provide students, faculty, staff and the community with an environment that fosters student success and community partnerships.

Alamance Community College is proud to announce that, effective June 5, 2020, its A.A.S. degree in Information Technology-Systems Security (Cybersecurity) has been officially designated a National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) program of study. Institutions receive the CAE-CD designation only after meeting a rigorous set of requirements established by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Institutions are designated based on their robust degree programs and the close alignment of curricula components to specific cybersecurity-related knowledge units (KUs); this alignment is validated by top subject matter experts in the cyber field. Consideration for CAE-CD designation involves the completion of a lengthy application which includes two broad categories: Course Content mapping to KUs and Program Criteria evidentiary documentation.

The overarching goal of the CAE program is to reduce vulnerability in our national information infrastructure by promoting higher education and expertise in cyber defense (CD). The standards set forth by the NSA/DHS curriculum guidelines ensure that students from CAE institutions receive a quality and robust cybersecurity education that prepares them for a career in the cyber workforce.

CAE-CD Point of Contact (POC):
Ms. Debra McCusker, M.S.E.E.
Department Head, Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence
Alternate POC: David J. Horgan, PhD
Instructor of Information Technology