Career Services
The Career Services Office at ACC provides mock interview and interview preparation resources for students.
What is an interview?
The interview is the last step of the hiring process and the most important. It offers both you and the employer the opportunity to meet one another, exchange information and come to tentative conclusions about “hiring” one another. The interview is a two-way process. You evaluate the employer while he/she evaluates you.

Big Interview
Interview Resource
The Career Services Office has partnered with Work Based Learning to offer students a great interview resource. Click below to get started!
Interview Preparation
Learn as much as you can about the company prior to going to the interview. Visit the company’s website and access any available company literature. Know the services, products and mission of the employer.
Find out as much as you can about the position. Analyze the position description, matching your experiences, interests, and abilities to the position. Talk with people who have worked in similar positions and research the typical salary range.
Know your resume inside and out, be able to discuss comfortably your qualifications, skills and abilities, and your personal goals and values. Write down your accomplishments and prepare concrete and specific examples of these. Anticipate questions that may be asked of you.
It is a good idea when scheduling an interview with an employer to ask with whom you will be interviewing, how long should you plan for the interview and what kind of format will it follow. Discovering this will help you prepare for and visualize your interviewing experience.
The questions you ask may reveal your level of interest in the position, the employer, and your preparedness for the interview. Ask questions that demonstrate a genuine interest in and knowledge of the company and position.
Questions? Contact Us.
Career Services
Career Services
Alamance Community College
P.O. Box 8000
Graham, NC 27253-8000