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Four Alamance Community College Associate in Nursing (ADN) students wearing navy blue scrubs with ID badges, standing outdoors in front of trees and smiling. The group includes two women and two men, showcasing a diverse and professional team of future nurses.


Interested in a rewarding career taking care of others?ACC offers multiple paths for nursing careers that are always in demand.

We offer a concept-based curriculum that helps develop meaningful connections for students as they learn the art and science of nursing. Critical thinking and clinical judgment are emphasized in class, lab, simulation and clinical experiences.

Graduates of these programs are eligible to apply to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) and become licensed by their board of nursing.



Associate Degree in Nursing Icon
LPN to RN Icon
Practical Nursing Icon


Students are admitted under the Associate in General Education Degree until they have met the admissions requirements for the program. Faculty members advise students as to the courses they should take before formal admission. All developmental requirements may need to be completed before admission or registration into some courses.

To make an appointment with the Pre-Admission Counselor, reach out to or call 336-505-4246.



After viewing the Nursing Information presentation there will be a link to a quiz. Please complete the quiz. Your responses will be emailed to you. Save this information! You will need to upload it to your application.





What is the ATI TEAS?

The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) evaluates the academic readiness of applicants to health science programs (such as nursing). ATI is the company that developed the exam.

The ATI TEAS covers four content areas: reading, mathematics, science, and English and language usage. You will have 219 minutes to complete 170 questions (20 questions are experimental and unscored).

Submit your official ATI TEAS scores to ACC. Students may use their highest TEAS score. Scores taken within the last two years are accepted. Students may take the TEAS twice per calendar year.

Points Awarded


40 points


30 points


20 points


10 points


0 points


How do I sign up for the ATI TEAS?

For pricing, testing locations, and transferring scores to ACC, please go to 

TEAS, test of essential academic skills, exam offered at Alamance Community College every 2nd and 4th Fridays monthly. (Tuesdays in January only)

  1. Complete a Nurse Aide 1 program with clinical hours 
  2. Be actively registered with the NC Nurse Aide 1 Registry before taking any NUR courses.  This is waived for LPNs.

Essential Functions and Technical Standards Requirements

Purpose Statement:

The following technical standards represent the essential nonacademic requirements of the Nursing

(NUR) Program that a student must master to successfully participate in the program and become employable. In adopting these standards the Nursing Program is mindful of the patient’s right to safe and quality health care by students. The Nursing student must be able to apply the knowledge and skills necessary to function in a broad variety of clinical situations while providing the spectrum of nurse aide interventions. These standards do reflect what may be required for employment of the graduate. To verify the students’ ability to perform these essential functions, students may be required to demonstrate the technical standards/essential functions below.

Meeting these technical standards does not guarantee employment in this field upon graduation. Ability to meet the program’s technical standards does not guarantee a student’s eligibility for any licensure, certification exam, or successful completion of the program.

Technical Standards
Definition of Standards
Critical Thinking and
Problem-Solving Skills
Ability to collect, interpret, integrate, and synthesize information to make decisions and develop a plan of care. Read and comprehend relevant information in textbooks, professional literature; acquire information from written documents and computer-information systems; identify cause/effect relationships; identify patient problems and develop appropriate patient goals and nursing interventions; know when to use universal precautions; use effective teaching, learning and test taking skills.
Interpersonal Skills Ability to interact with individuals, families, and groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds. Establishes relationships with patients and peers.
Coping Skills Ability to function under stress and adapt to changing environments inherent in the clinical practice of nursing. Manage academic schedules and deadlines; cope with psychosocial issues involving catastrophic illness, disability, and death; respond appropriately to emergencies.
Communication Skills Ability to communicate effectively in English using verbal, nonverbal and written formats with faculty, patients, families, other healthcare team members and peers. Perform patient teaching, answer questions posed by patient, family members, physicians, other healthcare team members; document relevant patient information (manual or electronically) using correct terminology and spelling; interpret doctor’s orders; record patient responses to treatments; demonstrate active listening skills.
Mobility/Motor Skills Possess manual dexterity and motor skills to perform safe and effective nursing skills. Demonstrate adequate coordination, correct technique, organization, dexterity, and speed. Students must be able to stand for long periods; perform nursing procedures such as giving a bed bath, making an occupied or unoccupied bed, positioning, and transferring patients safely; use of patient equipment; administer CPR; administer injections; start IV’s; perform venipuncture; insert Foley catheters; obtaining blood pressure measurements.
Auditory Skills Hearing ability to monitor and assess health needs. Hear equipment/emergency alarms, call bell; listen to heart, lung and blood pressure sounds; hear call for help.
Visual Skills Visual ability to monitor and assess patient care needs. Observe patient responses to treatment; detect changes in skin; read sphygmomanometer.
Tactile Skills Sense of touch sufficient to perform physical assessments. Demonstrate flexibility, initiative, integrity, and cooperation; accept responsibility, accountability, and ownership for own actions as an emotionally mature individual; demonstrate respect for the patient, family, and healthcare team members; present professional appearance; accept criticism and respond by appropriate modifications.
Professionalism/Professional Boundaries  A skill or behavior that shows consideration and respect for others. While maintaining safety; demonstrate commitment and confidence; demonstrate a sense of responsibility and dependability. 


Alamance Community College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for students with documented disabilities. Students who require accessibility services or reasonable accommodations must identify themselves as having a disability and provide current diagnostic documentation to the Accessibility Services Office located in the Main Building, Room 233. All information is confidential.

Please contact the Accessibility Services Coordinator for more information at 336-506-4130 or email at and notify your course instructor of your special needs, as appropriate. Students should initiate this process as soon as possible (prior to the start of classes and/or field experience).

  1. The annual NCLEX pass rate for the program will meet or exceed 90% of the national pass rate for the program type for first-time test takers.

Associate Degree Nursing:

  • 2022 = 92.86%
  • 2023 = 97.2%
  • 2024 = 100%
  1. Sixty percent of students enrolled in the nursing programs at ACC will complete their degree within a 150% timeframe
  • Between 2018-2022, 80% of students enrolled in the ADN program at ACC completed their degree within a 150% timeframe.


  1. Program Satisfaction
  • 95% of faculty, students, alumni, and employers report being satisfied or very satisfied with the nursing programs.


  1. Job Placement and Lifelong Learning
  • Between 2020-present, 100% of the graduating students have secured employment in nursing within 12 months of their graduation
  • Many ADN graduates have continued their education and completed their Bachelor of Science in Nursing. 


  1. The Nursing programs are compliant with the regulatory standards of the North Carolina Community College System and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.




We have an affiliation agreement with the University of North Carolina, Greensboro which offers an online program for associate degree-prepared nurses pursuing their bachelors of science in nursing.

Click on the link ( to learn about the program information specific for graduates of a North Carolina community college.


Questions? Contact Us.

Darlene Listopad
Department Head

Health Science Advisor