What is the ACC Child Care Grant?
The ACC Child Care Grant is a grant funded by the state of North Carolina to assist currently enrolled students with their daycare expenses. It is meant to serve as partial and temporary child care funding while the student is enrolled in classes and is meeting the grant requirements. Funds are paid directly to state licensed day care centers for children between the ages of birth-12 years old. The grant can cover up to $500 per month towards child care for students enrolled 6-8 credit hours and up to $1,000 per month for students enrolled in 9 or more credit hours. The grant covers the months of September-the last day of the spring semester as long as the student is enrolled. Please read below to learn more about grant requirements and how to apply.
To be eligible for the grant, you must meet the following requirements effective April 1, 2022:
- Minimum GPA of 2.5
- Minimum Completion Rate of 67%
- Must be currently enrolled in an degree or Title IV eligible diploma program
- Must be enrolled at least 6 credit hours with ACC
- At least half of your credits must be on campus (not online)
- Must have completed one semester at Alamance Community College
- Must be a NC resident
Per the eligibility requirements of the Alamance Community College Child Care Grant the following exception is incorporated into the regulations.
IF, funding is available a student’s application may be processed and funding applied for a probationary period of “ONE” semester, with the following exceptions:
- GPA above 2.40 will be acceptable
- A Completion Rate above 66%
The probationary period cannot extend beyond one semester, during which time the student must achieve the standard 2.5 GPA and 67% Completion Rate to receive continued funding.
To apply for the NC Child Care Grant, a student must complete the following:
- FAFSA Application with ACC
- Complete the FAFSA verification process with the ACC Financial Aid Office
- Admissions Process for a curriculum program at ACC
- Child Care Grant Application
- Attach to the Child Care Grant Application proof that you have applied for DSS day care assistance: a copy of the DSS voucher amount, the denial letter for DSS, or a letter verifying you are on the waiting list
We will begin accepting Child Care Grant applications June 1, 2023 for the 2023-24 academic year.
Policies and Procedures
Special Notice: Alamance Community College Child Care Grant Pandemic Policy
With permission from the North Carolina Community College System Office, in the event of a pandemic that affects a student’s schedule by moving online, ACC will honor the regularly scheduled payment amount during that time. As classes resume again on campus our previous North Carolina Community College Child Care Grant policy will apply as normal with only half of a student’s classes can be online.
During the time of a pandemic we will also waive the 80% attendance policy requirement. This will allow flexibility for our students to take their child to day care as they are open.
Updated April 6, 2020